| War Shots: 2005 Northeast Fall Regionals
Steady rain didn't keep 16 determined battlers from gathering at Greenbrier State Park. With bagged
radios and rain coats the dress code of the day. The morning battle saw only two sinks. SMS Hindenburg
and HMS Lion sank within ten feet of each other just seconds apart. Pleasant weather Sunday resulted
in fierce fighting in a full day of battling with many ships, mostly Allied, being sunk.
| Don Fisher's good looking HMS Lion. Since it turned about as well as a Derfflinger, it
received a lot of attention from Ken Kelly's SMS Derfflinger and my SMS Hindenburg.
| Dave Voghtman in Tent City. The quick set-up tents were a life-saver during Saturday's rains.
| Nate Graham brought his own squadron, with his son Brandon running the KuK Veribis Unitis,
Amy Busch the SMS Von der Tann and Charlotte Bush the Espana.
| Ken's SMS Scharnhorst (being run by Steve Andrews) and SMS Derfflinger flank the Hindenburg prior to the first sortie Sunday.
| Some of the ships awaiting Sunday morning's first sortie. Clockwise from the top are
Carl Camurati's IJN Musashi, Dave Voghtman's USS South Carolina, Rob Helgeson's SMS Konig and Marty Hayes'
HMS Warspite captained by his brother Warren.
| The Lion loses the pumping battle after tangling with the Derfflinger.
| The Konig takes a dive after her pump outlet gets clogged with debris.
| Steve Pavlovsky's USS South Carolina went out with a bad battery and, running slow
and pumping low, soon sank leaving only it's mid-deck floating eerily above the surface.
Brandon Graham volunteered to recover the ship for Steve.
| Carl's Musashi quickly swooped in to strafe the survivors and then used the superstructure
as a chew toy before pushing it in to shore.
| Steve Andrews helps his son Matt with the VU.
| Don works on the oft-resurrected Lion.
| Rob Helgeson and the Konig.
| Ken Kelly and the "Derfflinger Duo" with Steve Pavlovsky behind him.
| Marty Hayes' (L) brother Warren (R) was visiting from Oklahoma and found himself behind the stick
of the Warspite.
| Steve Pavlovsky's USS North Carolina.
| Dave Voghtman recovers his USS South Carolina.
This page © Copyright 2005, Thomas L. Tanner, Jr. unless otherwise noted.